
8 March 2019: Teresa is a WoMuTe hero!

We are pleased to announce that in celebration of the last International Women’s Day, TERESA RAMPAZZI has been nominated one of the most prominent technological and musical pioneers. This is an important recognition for her work in the early days of Italian Electroacoustic Music.

The other women/heroes in music tech (WoMuTe) are: Ada Lovelace, Laurie Anderson, Margaret Schedel, Liz Phillips, Laurie Spiegel, Delia Derbyshire, Hilde Marie Holsen, and Holly Herndon.

See here ath the following link, the Award Description and all the 9 women heroes’ biographies: http://wonomute.no/2019-03-08-international-womens-day-womute-heroes/




Teresa Rampazzi at the Chalton Gallery in London, March 02-10, 2019

‘What time are you performing tonight?’
OPENING: Friday, March 01; 7pm
Chalton Gallery, 96 Chalton St, NW1 1HJ, London

‘What time are you performing tonight?’, an axhibition curated by Caterina Gobbi, is dedicated to four composers that have shaped the development of early electronic music in Italy: Teresa Rampazzi, Daniela Casa, Ingrid McIntosh, and Maria Teresa Luciani. Their sounds find their way into the exhibition, so do bits and pieces of their histories – or rather what is left of them.
A small publication brings together contributions by Claudia AttimonelliFrances MorganNina PowerSalomé Voegelin, Andrea May, and Laura Zattra.

More info in the Facebook event



1st Teresa Rampazzi prize (XXII CIM conference)

Read here (http://cim.lim.di.unimi.it/2018_CIM_XXII_Atti.pdf) the proceedings of the XXII CIM conference (Federico Fontana and Andrea Gulli eds., organized by the AIMI – Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana), with a great diversity of researches that bring much excitement and promise to the field of Electroacoustic Music, Computer Music, Sound Design and Sound Studies. The general theme of the 2018 edition – dedicated to Jean-Claude Risset – was the relationship between sound and machine.

A novelty of this CIM has been the introduction of the Teresa Rampazzi prize to the most original electroacoustic composition selected from the call for music, an award that has accompanied the Aldo Piccialli prize to the most innovative scientific contribution in the research on musical informatics.

The first edition of the Prix Teresa Rampazzi has been awarded to the piece Astèrion by Rocío Cano Valiño. Special mention goes to th piece Khēmia I by Demian Rudel Rey. Congratulations!



The Junghans Watch


This is a picture I took last week at the CSC – Sound and Music Computing Group – UNIPD in Padova.

The Junghans Watch was the one owned by Teresa Rampazzi. She and her teammates at the N.P.S. used it to synchronize every manual operation they needed to create an analogue electronic music experiment, an ‘oggetto sonoro’ (‘sound object’).

The ‘oggetti sonori’ were reminiscent of Schaefferian “Traité des objets musicaux” (Rampazzi was at the GRM in Paris and she had a copy of the Traité autographed by the author), but they were intended to be an evolution, and in fact they were purely synthesised, not concrete.

Laura Zattra

Italian Electronic Music Studios (1950s-60s-70s)

My presentation at the Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi in collaboration with the Instytut Adama Mickiewicza, October 13-14 2017, at the “POLISH RADIO EXPERIMENTAL STUDIO” conference, is now online.

Italian Electronic Music Studios of the First and Second Generation (from the 1950s to the 1970s) with a focus on the the triangulation between the S 2F M (Florence), the SMET (Turin) and the NPS (Nuove Proposte Sonore, founded by Teresa Rampazzi and Ennio Chiggio) and their network with other European and International Studios: the IPEM in Ghent, the Electronic Music Studio at Brandeis University, the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in Warsaw, the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, the Studio of Electronic Music in Utrecht.

The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.

Teresa Rampazzi in the last issue of Positionen n. 114 “Heroines of Sound”

I just uploaded the full text of my new article on this site!

Laura Zattra (2018), “Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien”, Positionen. Texte zur Aktuellen Musik, n. 114 “Heroines of Sound”, pp. 9-11, ISSN: 0941-4711.

Enjoy the reading.


The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.
The NPS Group (first phase: 1965-1968). Teresa Rampazzi wears sunglasses.

Positionen n. 114. New article by L. Zattra


Out Now! The first article in the German language devoted to Teresa Rampazzi is presented in the latest issue of Positionen. Texte zur Aktuellen Musik, n. 114 “Heroines of Sound” (2018).

The article by Laura Zattra is entitled “Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien”.


Other articles:

Bettina Wackernagel, Never Stop Questioning • Ingo Techmeier, Heroines of Sound – das Festival • Laura Zattra, Sie war ihrer Zeit voraus. Teresa Rampazzi, eine wichtige Komponistin elektronischer Musik in Italien • Helen Heß, Alltagssinfonien und Sternenmusik. Else Marie Pade – dänische Grand Dame der elektronischen Musik • Monika Pasiecznik, Fehlende Herstory. Die Komponistinnen der neuen und elektronischen Musik in Polen • Julia Mihály, Vokalperformance. Eine One-Woman-Show • Bettina Wackernagel/Helen Heß, Heroines of Sound • Julia Eckhardt, Art has no gender but artists do • Beatrix Borchard/Elisabeth Treydte, Genderforschung in der Musikwissenschaft. Eine (kritische) Bestandsaufnahme aus zwei Perspektiven • Ricarda Ott, MUGI: Musikgeschichtsschreibung mit neuem Blick • Katja Heldt, Feministische Aufbrüche in der zeitgenössischen Musik • Gisela Nauck, Gender Research in Darmstadt. Ein Interview mit dem künstlerischen Leiter der Darmstädter Ferienkurse Thomas Schäfer • Claudia Tittel, Magnetic Attacks. Christina Kubischs Arbeiten mit elektromagnetischer Induktion • Cathy van Eck/Gabrielle Weber, Nachdenken über Klang … • Elena Ungeheuer, Toward a »Space-As-Shared-Sonic-Practices Turn«. Gedanken nach der Dubliner Konferenz Sounding Out the Space • Jürgen Krebber, Archiv des IMD online


Teresa Rampazzi at the Radio Študent in Ljubljana

Sound artist and music sociologist based in Ljubljana Nina Dragicevic dedicated her show “Famous Unknowns” to Teresa Rampazzi, last Thursday August 24, at the Radio Študent in Ljubljana!
“Famous Unknowns” is devoted to female and/or lesbian sound artistst. You can listen to this great broadcast here: http://radiostudent.si/glasba/slavne-neznane/desakralizacija-zvoka.
Thanks Nina!
Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]

Pioneer Spirits: New media representations of women in electronic music history

“Pioneer Spirits: New media representations of women in electronic music history”. A great article by Frances Morgan in the current issue of Organised Sound, Vol. 22, Issue 2 (Alternative Histories of Electroacoustic Music) August 2017, pp. 238-249. Teresa Rampazzi is numbered amongst those composers previously “either ignored or thought to be marginal […]. Some media representations of the female electronic musician raise concerns for feminist scholars of electronic music history. Following the work of Tara Rodgers, Sally MacArthur and others, [Frances Morgan considers] some new media representations of electronic music’s female ‘pioneers’, situate them in relation to both feminist musicology and media studies, and propose readings from digital humanities that might be used to examine and critique them”.

You can read the complete abstract here.

Frances Morgan is Deputy Editor of The Wire, former editor of plan b magazine, writes the Soundings column for Sight & Sound and is a regular contributor to this publication and to Electric Sheep. A member of the Wire Soundsystem, she will DJ the very wide selection of exclusive material, past, present and future.

Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]
Frances Morgan [http://www.multimadeira.com/project/frances-morgan/]